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Hi, I’m Matt and I run RevampBikes.
I’m a keen cyclist, as you can see from the photo.
I set up RevampBikes in 2020 during the first Lockdown (remember that?). I needed to work more flexibly for a number of reasons and this is just something that worked for me and my family. I've always maintained my own bikes, and was spraying frames already. Wasn't much of a jump to set this up as a business, and we've been here ever since.
I’ll take your old frame, prep it, give it a new coat of paint, or maybe a few coats, to your very own design, and then get it back to you. Couldn't be easier, and who wouldn’t want their old bike to look like new, and with a unique custom paint job?
I can produce custom decals and stencils for that truly unique look. Your name maybe? Or I can even match existing manufacturers logos with my digital vinyl cutter.
The cost varies from job to job. Obviously no two bikes are in the same condition, or will be getting the same design. Have a look at the "So how much?" section where I've given some guide prices for previous projects. Please drop me a line though if you want a quote, or even to just discuss a Revamp.
Please note that we don't do mechanical work anymore, unless it's linked to a respray project. We can dismantle and rebuild your bike after spraying if needed.
Like what you see and want to find out more?
Get in touch via email. Send me a photo of your bike, and tell me what colour scheme you have in mind. I’ll then send back a mock up of the design. There are some examples in the Photo Gallery or on the RevampBikes Instagram and Facebook pages. The latter are more up to date with current work.
Don’t like what the mock up looks like? That’s fine. Change it as many times as you like at this stage. Like it? I’ll give you a quote based on the Price List that you can find on this website. Happy with the price? Then I’ll book your bike in for the work. I might ask for a small deposit (10% max) when booking your slot so I can order the paint needed for your design.
Once I’ve started on your frame it’s usually 2-3 weeks to turn it around. If we're grit blasting your frame then it's an extra couple of weeks as we send your frame away to a specialist.
It's a good idea to wait around 3 weeks before rebuilding your bike. Lets the paint and lacquer cure a bit and harden up. They'll continue to harden for weeks and weeks beyond that, but that initial period just gives it a chance to toughen up a bit.
Obviously I’m pro cycling. I love the freedom a bike gives you to get around easily, and I think it’s the solution to a lot of local transport problems. It really is good for your soul as well.
I also honestly believe that a bike that rides well doesn't need to cost thousands of pounds. Most of the bikes I own and ride are definitely the cheaper end of the price range, and my favourite is built up from a £55 frame and second hand parts. Taking used parts and re-using them is a big part of what we do at RevampBikes. So before you throw away an old bike, and buy a brand new one, maybe consider up-cycling it. And yes, pun intended!